Saturday, 7 September 2013

Refurb Frenzy

During the Summer Holidays I had surgery on my back which meant that I was limited in what I could do craft wise but I was inspired a lot by various things that I read or watched. My parents travelled back to Orkney with me to help me get settled in without doing myself any further injury and so I took it apron myself to use there offer of help to do the things I really wanted to do.

The first trip was to my local butchers where I was spoilt for choice but on a mission to buy Ox cheek and make John Torrod's Ragu. Mam helped me prepare the ingredients and lift the, seriously heavy, casserole dish... Not without our disagreement but we fired it in the oven and headed to my local for an aperitif while it slowly cooked in the oven.

I also managed to take them, in a torrential downpour, to our local recycled furniture store. Once there my dad stopped moaning about the rain and my mam started making some happy noises and we wondered through the beautiful vintage and affordable furniture. I was aiming to get new bedside tables and after watch Kirsty Allsopp's Fill Your House for Free I wasn't scared to take on a challenge.

Here is what I found and how they ended up:


I am currently lying in my room with my new furniture around me and I still love them and the extra storage space they have provided, next plan is two try and get 2 bookshelves (one for the kitchen and another for my room). I may go a wander long later today.

Another inspiration was all the pictures that my recently departed flatmate has been sending me of his new flat in Glasgow:

My new flatmate, Lorna, was also inspired and has painted these chester drawers for her room.

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